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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 27
  • Photos: 5 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Ur New man Toy
Location: Frederick, Maryland

About Me: Thanks for stoping bye Ill keep this simple. My names alex my friends call me moto. Im 21 years old born on september 8th 1987. Been around the world 2 times over. Im cultured so dont judge me by my age. I served in the marines as a 03-13. I got and amazing family alot of freinds and a kick ass crew {love all my 9kninjas}. I grew up on the streets of Baltimore md i currenty reside in frederick. Ive been to too many funerals seen too much of the bad loved lost fought been locked up and now im just trying to be a real man now and find that peace in my life. I live deep and have a big heart im a closet cowboy and a anime geek but if u ask about me {unless u ask a poser that ive exposed or the peeps who judge me from afar} im the guy thats there when u need him loyal deep and true and always real. All i have to say. so Thanks for reading and if You wana talk to me or see if what u herd about me is true feel free to hit me up ja ne.

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