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Meeting Men Online in San Francisco in California
About goaheadandsayit

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  • Age: 40
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: So you think you can dance?

About Me: Well, I'm single, a swinger and honestly? The truth is that if you're looking for someone to go to alternative events and venues with that can really dress well then I'm your man. I'm also tall, in shape and have my life together. I'm just not looking for anything serious. Maybe at some point I'll have a "primary partner" but it's still going to be an open situation. Now for the good news..... I am tall, that's the first thing people notice and I always get told how funny I am-unfortunately there is no witty comeback for this remark-believe me I've tried. This is the part where everyone says that they love to go out shopping and dancing with their friends but that they also like to "chill" at home and watch a movie. My, what a diverse and culturally aware step in evolution.Stop me if you've heard this one before. Naturally I would suspect that watching a movie is inherently "chill" so no surprise there. Another thing that appears on almost every woman's profile is the idea that they are "spontaneous". About 75% of them cannot spell this word and sadly most of these people aren't really spontaneous. That's okay mind you it's just that people should express themselves instead of writing what they think people want to hear. I also believe that no living thing on earth dislikes "long walks on the beach"-not even small reptiles. And lastly I don't know if drinking & dancing + shopping really counts as a "personal interest". Sorry, this needed to be said. I hope this doesn't sound judgmental-it's just that I tend to see a lot of the same thing for some reason. Sooooooooooooooo, with that in mind I am looking for someone totally original that has ambition but that doesn't let their work dominate their entire lives-why you ask? Because it's boring. I used to play bass in a rock band. I did this for many years and I think I'm just over the rock start thing.

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