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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 28
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Globalized Brit-Asian
Location: Waterloo, Ontario

About Me: I am a globalized individual with diverse tastes, always open to new ideas and ideologies. I have a fractured identity, strongly-rooted in my belief in one Almighty God, agreeing to the roles ascribed him to him when you mention him as either YahWeh, Ieshwar or Allah. I am a person who is internally a hedonist but bound by religion, morality, ethics and a strong sense of social justice. I am an intensely open, honest person and I have a strong enough sense of self. I'm slightly bicurious, but my religious beliefs forbid me from novating my curiosity into a sexuality. I am Asian, in the geographic & British sense of the word. I feel an intense emotional connection to Britain, even though I have never been there. I'm fluent in two languages. My most annoying habit is that when I'm talking to someone with an accent; my accent adapts to mirror theirs. This however also provides me with the superpower of being able to correctly identify a person's upbringing based on their accent.

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