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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 34
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Looking for adventures and sensual acts of passion

About Me: I am a man of passion. That is the only way to quickly describe my life, my intentions, my dreams, my hopes, my fears, my love, my inspiration. I am a single father of two babes ages 1 & 5, a girl and man. I have been blessed and I have never known something so amazing, valuable, and rewarding as being a father. I do find it frustrating however that a good father who is involved is still so put out by the courts. Regardless I am appreciative of what I do have. I am an entrepreneur; I run and own my own web design/development company. I love my work, and know of no other career that could keep such interest for me. I am an artist; There is so much beauty in the world that can be created. I am a writer; I respect the English language and express my passions and intuition through my words. I am talented; I have a expansive set of interests which I am able to accomplish well. I am a lover; There is too much in love and that in which it drives that is overlooked or taken for granted.

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