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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 25
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Imagine
Location: Tempe, Arizona

About Me: Honestly...I'm the epitome of nonchalance. I'm not a very stressed person, a judgmental person, nor do I feel the need to apologize for or be ashamed of the way things are. Basically, I'm easy going - but beyond easy going. Some would say it's apathy - but it's not. I love life and I care very much about the things that are close to me. I'm just not one to worry. I'm 19, although I'm not a student. I decided not to go to college right away in order to get a better grasp on myself, on life, and on those things that are just contextually bigger and greater than the whole "I have to get my degree and move to the cookier-cutter suburbs as fast as possible!" thing. And really, I could sit here and type up some whole jazzy description of myself. The alternative is that I could just tell you - face to face - before or after hearing the things about you that you feel are relevant and that define you. And I'd much rather roll with the latter.

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