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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 48
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: you are Impossible to find but I know your out there...
Location: Austin, Texas

About Me: I am a slim guy w/ a small pot belly that has all of his teeth and hair, witch is long past his shoulders. I'm sweet and non violent. I'm a bayou man of Irish disent, from New Orleans. I do not do street drugs but may drink now and then, litely. I love to cook, cruse in my street rod and consider myself retired. I'm not rich but the bills are paid. I like to have my girl with me where ever I go... I don't hold too tight or smother her. I am about to move to Fla. to complete my retirement. I'm not very interested in having any more babes, in fact, if you cant have them, thats alright with me. but if you feel bad about that, so do I... I don't like a girl of mine feeling bad about anything. I've been through a lot of trauma and don't want any more! I think I've screwed up my central nervous system. So, no more soap opra bull shit please... Staight-up, I want to CHILL, see and hear the waves whoosh back and forth, I love the water. I'm writing a book at present and I think it will be a best seller one day. Based on my true story, not much is added.

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