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About Me: I've got a business and an ever-expanding social life, but I'm always keeping one eye open for that special girl that I want to be with. I want to be financially free (no job, all my bills paid) within the next five years, and I've got a plan to make that happen. I love exploring the world around me - exploring all of the different spots in a city is a good time, and I would love to move to a different city in the world every six months or so and take on a new language or hobby.
I'm an independent guy, and I don't tend to cling onto my friends. I love meeting new people, and I'm friends with a wide variety of social circles that don't run together. I've got some standards for who I hang with on a regular basis, and I'm a big proponent of adding value to peoples' lives around me. On the flip side, that means that if you're giving me a hard time, or just generally sucking my energy, you're not going to get many calls from me :)
I'm a big fan of jazz, and I try check out the Rex whenever I'm in Toronto. I also love power pop and pop-punk, and I'll always have a soft spot for bands like Blink 182, Fallout man, Angels and Airwaves, Paramore, and Anberlin. Other than those favourites, I have really diverse tastes ranging from salsa to hip-hop to heavy metal. There's a lot of stuff that I don't like as well, but I don't listen to it.
Music is a big part of my life, and I've been playing drums for 11 years. I don't need a girl to be very musical at all, but I think it's really sexy when a girl asks me to teach her the drums...very cute.
Other than that, how about some random stuff?
- Girls on bikes are sexy. Especially in Toronto. For some reason, no matter how unattractive you are, as soon as you get on a bike, you turn into a very sexy lady. Hats off to you.
- I've never seen a good-looking girl in HMV. What's the deal?
- People on the subway should talk to each other more. Life is a big party. Take some risks and make a new friend. Ask someone out today.
- I dress u