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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 44
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Checking out the Scene...
Location: Mississauga, Ontario

About Me: I live in the states and travel to Toronto nearly every week. Looking for friends who are able to get me out of my hotel room. Wait... on second thought, perhaps joining me would be acceptable as well ;) Who am I? I often wonder... The man next door. 6' Broad Muscular build and Tight Round But. Wavy blonde hair (finger curls ;) Blue Eyes and Plush lips you can sink into. Both reserved and outgoing; I keep my private life Private but Love to mingle and flirt with everyone. I only tend to open up when someone lands on my wave~length or if there is a mutual trust and respect. Over the past several years I have become softer than I would like so I am making some changes to rectify. I do a lot of walking through which helps keep the but looking good. I just want to get back in shape and have a lot of FUN! Want to Help?

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