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Single Men in Sheboygan in Wisconsin
About kinkwithuhey

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  • Age: 54
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: got a strapon
Location: Sheboygan, Wisconsin

About Me: i like to wear panties too but im strait man and woman thing. As i write this my wife is at work and Im wearing a skirt and blouss. I have puple silky panties and a brief cu girdle giving me the appearence of not having balls. I have taken breast pills for somwe time and my wife thinks I have gynamastia. still their not as big as some guys who don't. I wear a strecth style d cup bra that shows a little size but im a small b cup at best. I would love to have my own natural dd's but that can not happen either socially or physically. my wife does love to play the nipples when i mount her and they are sensitive now at east a little and it makes for a harder longer lasting time. as i write this i long for a playmate with ab ig strapon who can give me the feeling of movement in my butt. my hole has been well used by objects and needs a bigger girth if you have one. no men need apply. the este lauder perfume bottles are real nice as long as you do not push the spay thingy, although they are quite small. In fact there is one inside of me now, they work well with tight girdles and for extended periods of time. I am hairy with a gotee so there is no mistake im a man. but iwould love to be the lady of some womans dreams. my wife would never do this for me.

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