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Meet Good Men in Baltimore in Maryland
About chocolatesxyguy

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  • Age: 26
  • Photos: 5 Public
  • Sex: bisexual single man
Recent Status: Prince in Life, Devil in Bed
Location: Baltimore, Maryland

About Me: I have a disability: I am legally blind and just like everyone else in the world I am looking for someone I can spend my days/nights with, someone to hangout with. My name is Andre I am 21 years old and I weight 165. I am currently working on an AA degree in General Studies with a concentration in French as well as a certificate in Computer Network Management. I am looking to further my education, however I am just not sure what direction. In my free time my interests include music, politics, traveling, singing, drawing, writing, baking, cooking, learning about the law, giving back massages and the British royal family. I enjoy watch movies (non subtitled) and reading (mostly audio) and dancing, I am addicted to Karaoke bars.

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