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Meet Good Men in Scottsdale in Arizona
About letsconnectnow1

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  • Age: 34
  • Sex: straight single man
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

About Me: Anyway... Let's cut through the B.S....This site is not about meeting my "soul mate" and getting married with the whole white picket fence..ect..ect..ect...! So .. if your reading this you want what I want "a little boom boom action".. We could meet, sit at Starbucks, have a latte talk about our hopes and dreams, having a family bla bla bla..... Look I am 29 I workout am in great shape . I If you come over to my house, when we swim, the only swimming suit is your birthday one..I also love to light a fire in my fire place and in you! I love to go allll night . look at it this way... You will relieve stress and man is it a good calorie burner....Oh yea, I am a corporate jock so I travel a lot of the time, I get that sex itch (no i don't have sex cooties)... However, you me an Caesars Palace in Vegas is what we will do, I have a great sense of humor and the more shots of tequila I do the better it gets!!!!!

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