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About buddygibbs81

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  • Age: 33
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Really just checking this site out for the time being.
Location: Norfolk, Virginia

About Me: I guess I'm updating a bit more because the idea is still intriguing. I'm even trying to find a pic that doesn't include an ex but fat chance there, so I guess I'll have to finally invest in a camera. First, obviously, this isn't my real name and I know it seems like an odd choice for an alias but it's a reference to an inside joke with an old friend that was just the first thing that came to mind. Second, these days, I'm extremely big on honesty, so this will be a very honest profile. I'll start by saying that the last thing in the world that I'm looking for is a relationship and I don't even mean that in the piggish way that some people can, I mean that my last two relationships have been very long and ended in equally horrible fashions. To be blunt, any relationship in the foreseeable future would end in shambles now because of me. I can't see myself getting that close to anyone without all kinds of baggage and trust issues creeping up that would just make things a severe pain in the ass for everyone involved and I am seriously tired of life and sex being a pain in the ass. On the other side of the coin, I'm not one for completely random encounters either. I at least like to know the person's name, a bit about them and size them up to find out whether I like them as people. Call me nuts, and many men would, but I've just never seen much point in wasting my time sticking my dick in the vapid and nameless, so, if you couldn't tell, I'm not too big on the club scene. I think, if I finally make the call to pay for this account so I can actually do more than click one or two links and type here, what I'd be looking for is a fuck buddy - that magical spot between any sort of commitment and the randomness that other other extreme offers. Just a happy medium. A friend, someone whose company I enjoy, that I'm attracted to and that I can have great sex with whenever the opportunity or urge pops up.

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