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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 25
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: GPat20
Location: Buffalo, New York

About Me: Well, where do I start? Well for starters, I live in youngstown new york. Contrary to it's name, there aren't any young people in this town. there isn't anybody under 90 years old! it sucks and not in a good way! it's like living in a nursing home! Only plus is that I fall out of bed and I'm halfway to work. No fun up here either. If someone is having fun, doesn't matter what it is, some old person is going to bitch about it. did I mention it sucks? There are literally no chicks up here and the ones that are don't have any teeth! Really need to find a girl to hook up with. It's so lonely up here. My nuts are like "common man! I'm turning blue down here!" On a more serious note about me, I'm into riding dirtbikes, atvs, gokarts, building custom racing engines for scooters and gokarts, fishing, hunting, and enjoying the outdoors. I guess you could call me a bit of a redneck but some of the other stuff I do isn't so country. I like making rocket engines for example and flying rc helicopters so you might call me a nerd as well. I'm kind of a do anything type of person. My work as a landscaper takes up most my day but the afternoons and nights here are so boring! I got to meet somebody before my nuts explode! Anyway that's pretty much about me. I'm sure your probably way more interesting so let here from you.

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