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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 38
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I DO NOT LIVE MY LIFE, IM JUST ALLOWED TO BE PART OF IT... and it is, for lack of a better word SURREAL!
Location: Mobile, Alabama

About Me: Hi, In short. Im just a cold heartbreaker fit to burn , and I can rip your heart into. (Although thats only if I dont like you.) Im very tall, 5'7 at 165-170 pds. Oh, I meant tall if this were china, I think its a basic fundamental, talent, and obligation for myself along with everyone else to love life and work towards a better world for ourselves and those who we choose to allow to share it with.. Hey, after all it is your world, You know the words! HAVE IT YOUR WAY! I am not a leader of men, since I prefer to follow, still I always seem to be in charge of all the things I really could care less about. HEE Hee.

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