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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 44
  • Photos: 2 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: looking for fun and somone to talk to about sex over the net.
Location: Baltimore, Maryland

About Me: Im a fun loving man who likes to talk.I can talk on just about any subject.I have alot of respect for women and their feelings.Im a one women man becouse I feel like if I were to have more then one relationship at a time it would keep me from giving that special somone everything they need.I like taking walks in the woods and everything about nature.I dont like being stuck in the house.This is the first time Ive ever used the computor to talk to peaple out in the world.Im 5foot8 180 pounds Ive got bright blue eyes and natural blond hair. My body hair is soft and golden blond.The hair on my face is soft.I keep my face clean shaven and my hair short.I enjoy sex and talking about it!!I was with the same women for twenty years and havnt been with another women.

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