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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 29
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Howdy!
Location: Seattle, Washington

About Me: Hey there I tend to be on the reserved side but I do open up. I love coming up with witty remarks, bantering to pass the time. At heart I think of myself as a family man and a gentleman. I just can't resist being the virtuous knight in shining armor at every possibility. New things are my favorite and I easily get caught up in other peoples' excitements. I can be a little sarcastic at times(hint hint), but it is always with good intentions. I hate writing these things about myself 'cause I easily get sidetracked and write 3 times what I finish with after I realize so much of it is total crap that nobody in their right mind would read through. With my AMAIZING spelling skills I have to correct just about every word I type in. And by the end I realize what I finish with is a complete waste and debate with myself whether or not to leave it. Dam that voice in my head! ~Kelly

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