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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 34
  • Photos: 3 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: One hand clapping
Location: Southampton, Hampshire

About Me: My perception of me is that I'm generally serious in behaviour and frivolous with words; a droll sense of humour, leavened by a finely honed sense of the ridiculous. Also witty, charming, intelligent, considerate and stupendously good looking with almost enough confidence to ask my friends to confirm this last sentence. I'm relaxed and extremely easy going, prone to flights of enthusiasm about new ideas. As for where I'm going in life, as soon as I come up with something that's both marketable and achievable within a decade (the timeframe's always been my stumbling block to date) I'll be quiting the day job and burning all of my assets in persuit of a dream. In the meantime I'm enjoying having time to spend on friends, idleness and whimsy (where idleness encompasses as many snowboarding holidays a year as possible, gym visits most days and intermittent pedal-powered commuting; being tempted by rockclimbing and extra spice in general).

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