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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 36
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I'll make everything alright, get you through the night!But Only if you come to me!
Location: Pasadena, California

About Me: Deep, passionate, intense, erotic full of life, giving,smooth,fierce, furious,student, teacher, professor,profound,mystifying, hero, friend, brother, and more importantly a pleasurable,desirable,soothing , freaky lover! I am kind, serious, confident, calm, optimistic,purposeful, persistent, smart, responsible, modest, elegant, sociable, communicative, sensitive yet ruff, cheerful, romantic, considerate, Loyal,and yet Understanding.I'll be your Heart Protector, soul defender of anything you fear. Truly F>E>A>R> is only False evidence appearing real... I will make you a believer as I am a night school teacher, principle and pleasure releaser. I could be your good life preacher, or your triple X feature, source of great satisfaction or your intense any style increaser.... I'll make everything alright, get you through the night , pain remover, day undoer, joy bringer, pleasure giver to make your night go smoother.

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