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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 52
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: LOOKING FOR YOU

About Me: I am a 6 foot 3 inch half black/native american indian weighing 255 lbs.I know 255 lbs sounds heavy but i can assure you that i am not fat(lol).I work as a full-time firefighter in a major city for the last 22years.I am a single parent of three adult babes,that i raised by myself(I wouldnt change that for all the money in the world} what an experience. I am active in my community,I do a lot of volunteer work with social services.Well I am here looking to hook up with someone for discreet sexual relationships.I have a very strong sexual appetite and its been tough findind women to keep up with me.So ii you feel that you could be that person then I am looking for you.

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