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Looking for Men in Green Bay in Wisconsin
About 715wingedlion

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  • Age: 60
  • Sex: straight single man
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin

About Me: My best moments have been dancing at Big Sur’s Phoenix bar, singing at a nursing home, reading books aloud to babes, Biking, kayaking, sailing, hiking at a Wisconsin State Park or falling backward into Belizean coral reef waters. When I heard the Yosemite symphonic thunder Storms and Water Falls. Or saw the view from Temple 9 at Tikal, or ephemeral spring flowers, an August Alpine meadows, or Wisconsin’s autumn maples, gazing up into deep Sahara heavens. Selfish people might be embarrassed by me . While they're using their time and energy almost exclusively on themselves, they see I giving time to others, and my kindness puts them in a bad light. Maybe they'll think I am a phony, that I use my altruism to get others indebted to me so they'll then owe me a favor. Or perhaps they'll accuse you, directly or behind my back, of focusing on the needs of others so no one ever focuses on my foibles or my genuine wounds.

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