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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 25
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: It'd be cool to hookup. msg me.
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana

About Me: I'ma be straight up with you. I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin because Ive basically never really tried. I always just kinda figured... it would just.. *happen* or some shit. It ALMOST did a few times. but long story short I'm the most unlucky motherfucker I know. So, look, bottom line: I'm sexy as fuck. I'll work my ASS off to make sure YOU'RE pleased and not just me. and I'm just plain sick and tired of being a virgin. I'm 22 for God's sake. so, yeah. message me if you want to hookup. It'd be fun for you (I can pay for a hotel room, and dinner and shit if you like; but I'd rather it be your place) and you'd be doing me a HUGE favor. ;) Peace.

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