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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 58
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: jefff or jb
Location: Lawrence, Kansas

About Me: former air force officer and was unjustlly held by the state of miissouri for almost 61/2 year in varioius groiups homes on a fraudelant charg of arosn which I was only accuseed and not brought to trial I was released in 1991 to cometo lawrecnce and I don't hav e any crimianl records I am not a danger to myself and others but I do have Parkinsons disesase in remission and I take buses and other transportaioin means as I cannot drive . I am healthy, sexy , have a good personaldithy . I sometimes stutter in my speech and get exictable on occaision , I was a sports officalfor almsot 20 years in missouri (3 yrs ) and Kansas for flomost 17 more as an umpirte for summer leauge ball in Lawrence and surroundign areas in five sporrts. I hold a b.s in computer science and mathemetics from Graceland college in 1978 in Lamoni , Iowa and 'I enjoy people that are honest and physicall y well-grroomed and can be trusted both in and outside my home jeff curtis

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