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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 31
  • Photos: 3 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Fuck me gently
Location: Hartford, Connecticut

About Me: A couple of things: All this "No Guys" shit, is prettty fucking lame. As if you got a set of tits thats completely unlike every other set of tits out there. Titties aint nothin but sacks of fat, bitch. So make with the nudes already. FUPA's, are fucking gross. nothing is more unattractive then a display picture of a fat chick rolling up her FUPA and spreading her ugly twat with her sausage fingers. Its enough to take the curls right out of my nut hair. All you "Scene" bitches and "Gucci" twats look the same. get a personality for fucks sake. Doesnt mean i wouldnt throw it in...I'm just saying...A little bit of orginality goes a long way. All i see is a lot of the same "I curse too much. I drink too much. I smoke to much. Im super tough. Blah fucking blah" Youre edgy advance towards being so cool and so hip and unlike ANYONE in the world, does nothing more then lump you in the catagory of millions of the same lame asses. if youve got some snatch in your profile, ive probably done the 5 knuckle shuffle more then once to your pictures. Am I kidding? Who knows?

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