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Single Guys in San Mateo in California
About handsomegraham

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  • Age: 29
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I'm the only handsome guy you'll find who is still single.
Location: San Mateo, California

About Me: I am a shy low-key guy who is interested in meeting new people who likes to go to the movies, play pool or go bowling. I enjoy pop music, concerts, dancing, and just hanging out. I am not into video games or bar scenes. I like dogs and the type of people who enjoy their pets. I work at a bookstore and take public transportation. I enjoy music, fashion, and movie trivia and film history. I like traveling, sightseeing, and photography. I have two older brothers and a puggle named Lucy who stays at my parents place. I am good listener, shy, and a nice person.

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