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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 31
  • Photos: 3 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Embrace Life! Always go in hard, you're gonna get hurt so tuck you're chin and expect it, take it in stride and make sure you
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

About Me: My Motto is Carpe Diem which means Seize the Day, Embrace Life. That's how I live. I charge through life with an open mind, ready smile and with the confidence of knowing that somehow it'll all be ok. Some of my best memories are the few moments before getting really hurt, the calm before the storm, they remind me to always have a punt because almost anything heals. I'm a strong friend and I lead by example. I'm honest and I try to be kind. I don't shy away from getting the job done and I'm not afraid to dig in and get my hands dirty. I like to cause as much mischief as possible because I believe laughter is the best medicine. My life's great when I hug lots, laugh often, smile at strangers and eat yummy food. I end up laughing at myself, eating everything, hugging strangers and smiling all the time. But whatever it's all good =) I always keep a spare hug up my sleeve because you never know who's going to need one.

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