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Hookup with Men in Modesto in California
About Ropeman95354

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  • Age: 47
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Looking for fun
Location: Modesto, California

About Me: My personality? Well lets see, I am easy going and laid back. I'm also very outspoken and blunt. (Or so I have been told.) I just think that it is better to say what you think. That way you avoid misunderstandings. When people don't say what they think, what they do say, they don't believe it and it shows. Not to mention you are left with the feeling that this person is full of sh*t. I think that open dialog on any subject, no matter what your point of view is, is a good thing. You should never have to worry about what someone thinks of your point of view. So long as it is what you believe. I can't stand PC. It is one of the worst things ever invented by man. It is every ones right to have their opinion. I find that someone not saying what they think because, of what others may think, far more offensive than a opinion or point of view I don't agree with. I do not believe that you can have any kind of relationship without communication.

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