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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 45
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: hi. im look'ing for a great time. ARE YOU THE ONE? I COULD MATCH WITH? PHYSICALLY, AND MENTALLY?
Location: Johnson City, Tennessee

About Me: this is kind of tough. i dont like sport's. unless u consider fish'ing,bowl'ing pool, and dart's a sport. the rest i'm not into. i am a very good look'ing guy. i do however take care of my now 86 year old mother,and a mentally challinged sister. we have our own home. but look'ng for a bigger one. u should know i'm NOT RICH. but i [am] work'ing that. i consider myself a great listner,and if i had finnished high school. i would have made a hell of a physichriste-is that how it's spelled? any i've vever been married. and i dont have childeren. i am on disability. but i know how to git around the system. i fell off a 2 story roof and busted up my back pretty bad. but i walk,git around,and when it come's tosex. i know i'm good.so thank god i'm not in a wheel chair!i do love beUTIFUL WOMEN,LADIES,GIRLSOF AGE OF COURSE! I'M NOT A PERVERT. SO CHILDEREN [ARE OUT]!IF IT WERE UP TO ME I COULD HAVE SEX WITH A GOOD WOMAN 7 TIMES A DAY. IT'S BEEN A WHILE. BUT HOPEFULLY [NOT FOR LONG] WHETHER THIS SITE OR ANOUTHER ONE. I'M NOT FINANICALLY ABLE TO JOIN THIS SITE RIGHT NOW. BUT MABE LATTER?

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