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Meet Good Men in Virginia Beach in Virginia
About herfacechair

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  • Age: 44
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: herfacechair is my yahoo handle. :D

About Me: I'll contribute shopping money to the first woman that could last an hour using my face as a seat cushion. This won't be easy, as you'll be bare bottomed. I'll use my tongue to try to get you to dismount, and you'll be sitting a certain way. You can resist my attempts to get you to dismount by reading, texting, using your laptop, talking to your friends, etc. I'll give you another trick that'll improve your chances and frustrate mine. You can bring things, or position us, to maximize your sitting comfort. You could remain clothed in other areas. You can't deny me air when I need it, or tie me down. Your goal to win: Sit flat on top of my face, facing my feet, for a whole hour. Your butt and weight can't break contact from my face. You can't sit on my forehead, chin, cheeks or head. Please contact me for details.

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