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Gardena Local Men Hookup in California
About olelickedysplit

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  • Age: 46
  • Photos: 3 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Looking for some fun times and make new friends.
Location: Gardena, California

About Me: I like watching and playing sports, biking, boating and most other outdoor activities. However, my ideal date would consist of me preparing a fine meal, served with a nice bottle of wine for my Lady. Afterwords, perhaps watching a movie or lighting some candles, playing some soft music and getting out the massage oil. I love to make women feel special and appreciated. I don't mind going out every once and awhile but I'm more of a romantic and truly enjoy the one on one time. My friends would most likely describe me as a joker, because I try and make people laugh whenever possible. I am an open book, so inquire and let's see what happens. Afterall, nothing ventured nothng gained.

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