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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 34
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single woman
Recent Status: I like shopping
Location: Ankeny, Iowa

About Me: I like to decorate, shop, and take care of my . I am looking for a husband care for! I am very traditional about gender roles and I would love to be someones housewife! I am divorced and looking for love for the second time. I love being a mom! I live for my babes and family is very important to me. The father of my babes broke my heart and I am finally ready to move on to someone who will appreciate all I have to offer. I enjoy lounging by the pool and I love summer and the sun. I am addicted to sunglasses and silly tabloid mag's like people. I feel awfully silly signing up on a sugar daddie website but I have four babes and I want someone who can take care of a family. I am not all boring mom though, I love clothes, tanning and getting my hair done, I like shopping and all that but my are my main focus!

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