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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 31
  • Photos: 2 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Shy geek seeking romance, sex.
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota

About Me: I pin no particular confidence on this or any other such site working out, but the realm of computers is definitely my natural habitat and where I'm most likely to find mutual attraction. My interests tend to be on the geeky side, including a wide-ranging interest in movies, particularly foreign and science fiction/horror, a lifelong love of reading (mostly genre fiction, but I dabble in the classics, particularly Shakespeare), and of course videogaming. If you're looking to have an actual relationship with me, you'd probably be best off having some level of interest in the above subjects, although I love talking philosophy and politics as well. I simply don't find them to be all-consuming passions. If you're looking to keep things more physical, well... my experience is, unfortunately, mostly in the "write about having sex" end of things thanks to many corrupting years on the internet. But I am very interested in making sure you enjoy yourself, and would be more than happy to take instruction in how best to do so. Please note that like many people with my hobbies and interests, I am somewhat overweight. An exercise partner would do wonders to help that situation, though.

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