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Single Men in Sacramento in California
About ElkGroveGuy27

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  • Age: 34
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Looking for more Partners in Crime!
Location: Sacramento, California

About Me: I am a fun, funny, confident guy from Chico... I used to be a party animal and still retain some of that character with me, I try to include everyone in whatever I'm doing so nobody feels left out... I have a big ego, come off kind of sarcastic, and have an obsession with being right (all in good spirit) I so often step up to help friends and family as well as never being able to say no to person I care about, that I have forgotten to focus on my own happiness. Basically I don't know what to say here, everyone sounds smarter on the internet! The summary is that I'm fun, smart, a great friend, and here because I don't believe in just taking the first and closest thing that comes along (i.e. work relationships, the girl next door, or the girl that goes to your favorite bar all the time) I'm willng to get out of my comfort zone and find the perfect girl...or at least a really hot one!

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