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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 29
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Won't tell people we met online!
Location: Escondido, California

About Me: Hello all! I'm a short hair, jeans and t-shirt type, with a quirky sense of humor and the obsurd. I like to get lost in my car, and stumble upon a old style burger joint or wine bar that beckons me inside. I dig action movies, stupid cartoons, and thriller novels. But one of my favorite things is becoming completely enveloped in a deep conversation about life with a good friend. I eat meat, but I don't feel good about it. I'm just not wanting to completely give it up. I excersise a lot, but only every now and then. You know, a month straigh with three or four months off right after. I love my job, and work a lot. But I only work to live, and I always find plenty of free time. I have a big appetite and wild streak, if you know what I mean, which keeps my reserved, and shy side in check nicely. I love music, heavy metal mostly. I've been told that it's because it matches my quick mind and imagination. And I've been told I'm looking for a soul mate, even though I don't really believe in them. Your turn!

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