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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 49
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Sex... There's nothing better...

About Me: I'm actually new to the online scene. Whole new world... with a 14 yrs of marriage behind me... I'm ready for the time of my life... on my own terms. I am a man who is passionate about life and its possibilities in every way... Sky is the limit. I love work... and I love play. I am very level-headed, laid back, down-to-earth and easygoing... but very driven... to make the most of life. I know who I am and know what I want... Passion and enjoyment in life. In all that I do... even in play... passion is the drive of my life. And you, special lady, who I choose to devote time to - and I am patient about things that are important - are my worthy choice. I will make our time together well worth your while. I have a high sex drive, up to just about anything, and aim to guarantee satisfaction. I love for that special woman to ride me... and I want it all night long. I can promise u a wild and exciting ride. Can't promise the world... but I promise you my world. For the time, I cannot host.

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