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Salt Lake City Men Personals in Utah
About GoPoundSand123

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  • Age: 47
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Sex Freaking Rulez! And so do I!
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

About Me: *I must state, If you don't live in Salt Lake, kindly Piss Off!! Plus, I won't touch a married woman! I know, its that kind of site, but there are plenty of single Women here too* Greetings Ladies. I'm looking for Sweet and Sexy! My Ex was not into sex but since I spent a great deal of attention to my learning and understanding of all things sexual, we ended up staying together 17-years due to the great sex!! I learned on our Honeymoon she had been sexually abused by her Father! it was uphill from there. I'm looking for someone to Rock my world, teach me a few new things, someone to have Fun with ... even a Life with, plain and simple. However, we must be friends first and foremost. I'm a very kind and gentle man. I have so much kindness, I'm overflowing. My Ex was abusive and cold So, I spent my entire marriage perfecting my sexual self as that's the only thing we had going for us. I Slowly but surely healed her of her emotional wounds too. For the record, I feel I've perfected the art of Sex! I'm now ready to share that with the right Woman. This may be crude, but an example: I have learned how to NOT climax too soon! In fact, I've been able to last for up to three orgasms hers before I finish...quite the feat for a Man! Usually, she would prefer or insist we climax together...absolutely the best way to have intercourse in my opinion!! I apologize if my words offend any of you Ladies reading this far but my words are 100% true. I have made a covenant with my Lord to never lie to myself again let alone anyone around me. If Words exit my mouth or fingers, rest assured, they are the truth if nothing else!! Hope to hear from you soon. Darren.

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