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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 35
  • Sex: bisexual single man
Location: Largo, Florida

About Me: I'm sarcastic, so deal with it. I'm sure I have many enemies because of it. But if you don’t like it- too bad. People need to have a lot of goal which I already got. I'm nice to people's faces most of the time. I don’t like fake people, so I'll tell you what I think. I'm not into that hug, hug, kiss, kiss shit. What’s with that? I’m a busy guy- I don’t have time for ignorant people, they just take up space and air that was meant for me...... I feel as though I'm a well rounded person. I'm a pretty easy going guy and for the most part easy to get a long with... Usually up for anything, but I do like things done my way too. I don’t like to plan things too far in advance because it never works out anyway and I like to make sure I'm open incase something better comes along. So I try not to commit to anything. I hate Liars, don’t like broken promises and try my best not to break promises I make. I'm pretty good at giving double standards and never taking my own advice. But who the fuck does? I'm not really confrontational. I can be extremely passive aggressive- according to my buddies. I best express myself in writing rather than in person. I'm not much of a phone person like I used to be. Unless I have something really interesting to tell you, then very few can hold my interest on the phone because my ADD kicks in and then everything is more interesting than you.

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