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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 30
  • Photos: 4 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: My dream is to be a super hero for women who are sex deprived or ones that aren't!!
Location: La Quinta, California

About Me: Hey my name is Ivan I am 27. I have a crazy strong sex drive. I usually wear most my former girlfriends out in the first few weeks. So I challenge anyone to it. see if you can wear me out first I have a nice dick. That is what I always hear about it. That it's very nice. I love to please women in anyway possible. I worlk alot but when Im not working I like to spend time with friends or sometimes just chill and relax lately thats been pretty lonley though. Haha it's all good I am happy with or with out a woman. I just love the pussy.... and I smoke pot everyday thats what the daily drug use is if you want to call it a drug it don't matter what you call it I smoke the shit out of it......And will till the day I die But no im not a pothead... hahaha and no i don't have any tattoos but I love to draw them and plan on getting a few but I am too lazy to draw them I am an artist i will only put art on my body not some clip art shit...... no offense anyone

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