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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 27
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Superhero Monkey

About Me: Here's a list of things you won't like about me. Just so you don't get any ideas! I do NOT own satin sheets, a Barry White CD or have one scented candle in my bedroom at all. I won't wine you and dine you because I think dating's stupid. We'll hang out like normal people. For the same reason, I won't buy a random girl a drink when she asks for one. I love to get my own way, especially about places to go and when to go. I'm also impatient! If I want to go somewhere, I'll drag everyone I can if I have to. I'm also very spur-of-the-moment, and always up for a cross country 2am trip to somewhere else! Best to keep some trainers and a backpack handy, actually, as a warning.

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