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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 48
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Are there any true women out there
Location: Baltimore, Maryland

About Me: Friendship is the foundation of a long lasting relationship. I believe before two become one they should be friends. To love you is to know you. I would like to know you!. The key to any great relationship is trust, understanding and communications. I like to be able about to talk to my mate about every and anything no matter how silly it may be. It doesn't matter if we believe in it or not. I just love to have good conversations and share laughs with each another. I don't like to argue, I hate to be mad or sad, I want to be love and give love. I also want to see a smile on your face. I want you to miss my touch and hunger for my loving when I am away. I want to feel the same way when you are not around. I would want you to be my best friend and I would be yours. I don't want our life to be a routine; I want us to look forward to the next day. We will travel to different places and try different things, enjoy life to its fullest and each Monday - Friday should be a vocation from our weekend not the other way around. I want to have a look and a smile just for you and you have the same for me. Our life would be one that many may envy but not hate because our friends and family knows that is not about me or you it’s about our love and commitment to each other and we shall both want our love to inspire others. I want you to know that there is nothing more important to me then your happiness and I will do all I can to keep that fire in your eyes and in your heart for me and I pray that you feel the same way. My love for you would be unconditional and I need someone that can handle that and not become self center. I want to show you what I feel for you in my heart, by my touch and the look in my eyes. Your present will keep my demands at bay and I will slay your dragons. Together there is nothing that we can’t handle or over come.

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