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Vallejo Local Men Hookup in California
About caineuhandleit

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  • Age: 33
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: MATURE LOVER
Location: Vallejo, California

About Me: 6'0 foot tall with a little extra weight. tatoos on right forearm and right biscep. love any and all things sports. Avid golfer,snowboarder and pretty descent artist. love to have fun and always look for good laughs, because if you dont laugh in life then your spirit will always frown on you and others that surround you. make a person laugh make a person comfortable make a freind. Sometimes my freinds and family tell me that my heart is to big and that its not alright to always wear it on your sleeve. I tell them that i cant help it i got it from my mom. But dont take my kindness for weakness because that would be a BIG mistake, Dont take shit from anyone if u dont like me than stay on the other side of the street or u could get hurt. And if u dont like walkin on that side of the street then take your chances and come see me so that u can get it of your chest. STEP IN THE RING AND WE CAN DEAL WITH IT. IF U GET WORKED THAN U ACCEPT IT. AND I WILL ACCEPT IT IF I GET WORKED. BUT WE BOTH WALK AWAY MEN. NOT A FIGHTER I AM JUST A LOVER THAT GREW UP IN A BAD AREA, WHO HAD NO CHOICE BUT LEARN HOW TO TAKE CARE OF HIS OWN. BE EASY AND COOL AND I WILL BE YOUR BEST FREIND, WRONG ME IN ANY WAY AND YOUR CUT OFF THAT GOES FOR ALL EXCEPT FOR FAMILY.

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