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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 35
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Mission Accomplished
Location: Ottawa, Ontario

About Me: Hey there ladies, I am the inventor of the knew perfume for Woman " Temptation Taco" It has been very successful and I have made my first $12. I figured, If I can just capture the true essence of a taco the world will be a better place for generations. Mission accomplished. I dream big. My life's mission statement is: "If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It" To brag, this motto has helped me accomplish such life feats as: $ The "no back hair at the beach" protest in 2003. $ The free meal I received at Wendy's (combo #4 with a frosty) $ My first published book "How to get a free meal at Wendy's" $ The 32 second 100 meter dash personal record I set. $ Setting fires and putting them out just to show that element who's boss $ My participation award received in life $ How I stole my own identity and went on a spending spree for a year $ My second published book "debt is not your friend, no matter what the Gvt says" $ Who can forget the invention of "Temptation Taco" perfume.

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