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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 50
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Reaching across the universe.
Location: Cleveland, Ohio

About Me: The whole country is connected by interstates and freeways, all of which will get you where you are going, but you can not find out anything about the place where you have arrived until you explore the back-roads. This thing we call life is lived by most in pretty much the same way, not many people bother to look very far beyond whatever exit might take them off the main road. Where they are spiritually is usually where they stay. I seek those who want to explore not only what we can see, but others who have the courage to question what we can truly be! An honest connection can not be based purely on likes and dislikes, it must begin with the ability to be open to one another about all that can be discovered if we take the time to Truly,Deeply,.....Feel.

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