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Date San Francisco Men in California
About Higherthangod

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  • Age: 45
  • Photos: 5 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: The easiest person to deceive is yourself.

About Me: Therefore, I stay true to myself & everyone who knows me cuz in the end, I have to live with myself, no one else. I like to think of myself as someone whos on the darker side of right. I'm for the many, not the few. TRUE. I'm 39 white/native american. I respect the ways of my native ancestors & WILL NOT sacrifice my heart or who I am, to be a greedy, no deeper than the surface, person. I'm very passionate about the things I believe in & my integrity to which I stand proudly on. My special ability? I can see rite thru bullshit, pretty amazing, huh? Fortunately, I have developed a filtering system that seems to work good to weed out the insignificant, pieces of shit from entering my life. But if one gets thru every now & then, eventually, their true colors will show & I believe that the worst thing I can do to somebody, is simply not exist in their life. I'm deeper than most & have had to learn to blend with the shallow, surface people occasionally till I grow bored with their lameness. Be careful the toes you step on, they maybe connected to the ass you kiss later! Close mouths dont get fed. Wanna know more? higherthangod at yahu.

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