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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 34
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Finer things in life...
Location: Eden Prairie, Minnesota

About Me: I'm a big believer that in order to know someone you must experience them; Q&A usually reveals someone's perspective of who they think they are, not necessarily who they are. I'm a lover of literature. I hate that the words of wisdom are rarely uttered and the voice of the idiot is never hesitate. I hate that sensitivity is viewed as weakness and emotionally dead is socially acceptable. I hate that hatred and violence coexist with love and happiness. I hate that every time I look out at the world I witness my fellow man abusing my friends and neighbors; raping them of their fortunes and dignity. I hate that there is no unselfish deed in the world. I hate that people cannot turn a cheek. I love that music and literature have withstood the decades, and even today, still massage our heartbeats, motioning our emotions with but a rhythm, with but a paraphrase. I love that words can grip someone, stir them into submission; fully arrest them and entrance them into a world never before witnessed. If you share my taste, well in the words of Bogart - "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

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