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About blackdemon666

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  • Age: 27
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: nothing is true, everything is permitted
Location: Barrie, Ontario

About Me: I guess you could say I am a funny guy and a bit random to. I love Video games (Final Fantasy ^_^). Anime is something I don't think I could live without. Anime North rules :banner:. I enjoy industrial, metal, emb, and classical music, but also anything I think sounds good. I play the online games, but no they don't control my life. want a girl who i can relate to. Someone who holds the same interests and values as me. I enjoy the company of friends and people and always try to be around someone. I would like to think I am a good listener. I always try to be there for my friends when the need help or are down. Favorite Music: AbigorAgonoize, Akercocke, Alchemist, Alien ProduktApocalyptica, Behemoth, Blind Guardian, Bloodbath, Blutzukker, Burzum, CarcassCenthron, Combichrist, Covenant, Deathstars, Deeds of FleshDemons and Wizards, Die Sektor, Dimmu Borgir, Dissection, Dragonlord, Electra-KillEmperor, Evergrey. Falkenbach, Firewind, Funker Vogt, GodGraveworm, Grendel, The Horrorist, Hydroxie, Hypocrisy, Immortal, Infected Mushroom, DethronedIsisKataklysm, Katatonia, Kiuas, KMFDM, The Kovenant, Kreator, Lamb of God, Life CriedMarduk, Mastodom, Mayhem, Meshuggah, Mnemic, Monolith, Moonspell (awesome), NaglfarNapalm Death, Necro Facility, Neikka RPM, Nevermore, Nile, Noisex, Norther, Old Man's babe, Opeth!!!!!!, Orange Sector, ####Retractor, Rhapsody (Rhapsody of Fire), Sargeist, Satyricon, Sepeltura, Shnarph, Siebenburgen (awesome), SlayerSlipknot (eh..I think they suck), Summoning, Sunn 0))) (#### yeah!), Symphony XTactical Sekt, Terrorfakt (awesome), Therion!!!, Tvangeste!!!!, Unter Null, VaderVNV Nation, Wumpscut, Xotox, Zeromancer

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