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Dating Guys in Boston in Massachusetts
About ugliestman33

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  • Age: 39
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: man seeks woman for any relationship
Location: Boston, Massachusetts

About Me: I am a thirty three year old single white male from newtonville mass that is a high school graduate and college graduate. I was rejected by the military because i lacked the basic skills for the job. I have below average looks and intelligence.I failed my drivers test twice, the sats three times, the postal examination four times, and a basic math test four times. I am a learning disabled person. I have trouble reading, writing, and spelling. I have never been on a date or had a girlfriend before. My friends and family think I am a complete failure.I am a poor person that has little fortune or money.I am not a dependable person, I am never on time for anything.I drive an old car that is fifteen years old. I have great difficulty in understanding simple machines like cash registers. I work at burger king, mcdonald's, and as a bagger as well. People make fun of my looks and lack of intelligence.I lack self confidence and motivivation to advance my career.I have been rejected by many future employers because of my lack of intelligence and experience.Sometimes they call me names like ziggy or zanny.I am afraid to fly or drive a car.I have a fear of heights as well.I am a shy person who does not like going to large public gathers.I am not a good looking person that has black and gray hair..I like going to casinos, night clubs, dance clubs, malls, and the movies.

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