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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 28
  • Photos: 4 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Location: Ventura, California

About Me: Hi,Im a Man seeking a Women In the Age range of 20-30 years of age .I consider Myself to be Interesting & a very Adventurous outgoing Young Man. I have Plunty of energy to put somewhere & or on something. I have a Very Strong contrast on my life,I strive each day to Improve the Detail of my lifes contrasts.I have Fears of Bald women,So please have Pluny of hair.....(On you head ofcourse silly:-) I would love to tavale the world & see as much as possible , If you dont Like to travle then maby I can find a lil somewhere to travel;)Can You geuss where, Heres a hard hint .It'll talk me a matter of milla secounds to locate a not much more to localize then You may tell me how long & far I sould travle it.Some women in the past told me I was a excellent Kisser,I geuss that would be a plus to some weomen, If You like a Man with skill in different areas, then I may just be a benefit!I like a women In bissness ware! I really like thinking of the hole office Space thing,The desk,chair,table~Ect. I like women in Jeans,Tight Jeans. Becuase Its all the more better when they finaly do come Undone. If you dont ware Jeans "It's A No Go"........JK;~) If You dont like to try new things,then you may be looking at the wrong guy. So get ready to keep up with new ideas! ~In & Out of Bed~........

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