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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 35
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Looking for someone to spoil...
Location: Tucson, Arizona

About Me: like toast...which of course, makes me absolutely fascinating. People often ask me to reflect on my most desirable trait, and I'll wax philosophic as I explain that it's an even tie between my extraordinary humilty and an unusually large penis. Here's the rub: I swallowed the red pill a few years ago. I'd never go back, but I do occasionally miss the simplicity of the illusion. The solace in a new iphone, or a Ferrari for that matter. I console myself that at least I know where God resides (OC). Aside from that, I aspire to tame the Chupacabra. I believe in peace. Especially my own. Am I rambling? How 'bout this? I'm 6'1", athletic at about 220. I am pretty light hearted, and it would take a lot to stop me in my tracks. Please try thoough!

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