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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 32
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Looking For A Good Time
Location: Buffalo, New York

About Me: Hello all..I am 25 years old and up to now I think I have lived a good life, I am a laid back guy who loves to have fun with friends and who is also a huge Sabres fan. I live in Kenmore with one roomate and I love it, its so peaceful. There are people that say I may be too nice of a person but that is there opinion, I was brought up to respect everything. Dont get me wrong I do have a temper but I think that is my Italian side that comes out of me. I work hard for what I have and I will never let anybody put me down. The one thing I hate in life is people who think they are better then someone else. I dont care if you have more money then me, if you drive a better car, I am the one who will prevail in the end because there cockiness will ruin them. I thought that maybe this will explain a little about me, for those who dont know me, beware, jk..Well thats me, if you want to know more its as simple as asking me..Bye Bye Now

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