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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 43
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: After 15 years I'm single again.
Location: Lansing, Michigan

About Me: Each student must complete a major subject of at least 30 semester hours, and a subject of not less than 20 semester hours, with the following two exceptions: 1. A student in the Elementary Teaching curriculum may present three of not less than 20 semester hours, each of which are subject fields taught in the elementary grades. 2. A student who completes the specialized programs for teachers of Art, Business Education, Industrial Education and Music, or the professional programs in Applied Science, Business Education, Industrial Education and Music, or the professional programs in Applied Science, Business Administration, Clinical Laboratory Science, Criminal Justice, Nursing, Music Therapy, Industrial Technology, Interior Design,Occupational Therapy, Health Administration, Language and International Trade, and Social Work will automatically satisfy major- requirements. Hours of credit counted on a may not be applied to a major or another or vice versa. General Education courses may be applied towards a major or a where appropriate. Professional education courses do not count toward majors and except in cases in which such courses are specifically required or indicated as permissible as part of a major or . All students, including transfer students, must complete at Eastern Michigan University the following minimum requirements in advanced courses numbered 300 or above in their majors and , unless specifically exempted by the department concerned:

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